
my new hero

a friend of mine recently gave me this amazing adress, to which us non tv users can guide us through tv-land. without downloading a single byte!

my cousin sparkarinn gave me a tip on a cool cart0on show that quickly grew in my heart. it's the cartoon about invader zim. especially the alien zim's crazy dum robot, gir! he's become my new hero.

the litle critter overconsumes everything he can lay his hands on, especially emotions and earth food and most of the time behaves like a 4-year-old with adhd. but he does it so well, you can't help but want him as your pet.

la môme

saw the movie 'la môme' yesterday with my wonderful sassy s. funny enough, the swedish translator translated the title of the film to 'la vie en rose'... which is of course weird, since translating a french title to french is... well, stupid, pardon my french.
the story is about the life of which the great singer edith piaf lived and shows us just how much life can be, both fragile and joyful. it is not a sobmovie nor a chickflick, even though i am inclined to pushing it into that corner. but is it more a movie about life itself and where everyone has something to take from it.
when me and sassy s were discussing what movies we were to go to, my (obvious) suggestion was the newly released 'pirates of caribbean', when sassy s told that it would be 'la vie en rose' or nothing at all. so i dragged myself to the cinema, waiting to pay a fortune for about 2 h sleep. but when the movie was finished and the lights turned on, it was me sitting there, sobbing and thinking of the greatness of such a small and frail woman.
she was so whole, yet broken at the same time. maybe that's how we all are. whole, yet broken, looking to be fixed.

dagens citat

[h]aha.[d]et vet jag inte, han verkar ha problem med internetinloggningar, så det kanske inte är så lämpligt.
carl bildt
svarar tidningen metro om inte lars danielsson
vore intressant för jobbet som ambassadör på sveriges
virtuella ambassad i second life


making ammends

last night i flipped it once more and tossed myself over the phone, made a call to "that guy" and finally, gave my confession. of course, he remembered nothing and my wrongdoing was no cataclyst to any event, but to my own conscience. he gave a whole other story to what had happened in which, i took no part in, more than a mere passing by.
what's most important is that i feel that i have confessed and apologized, lifted my conscience and done the right thing... after doing a wrong one. no other intentions, just getting it off my chest. so, all good.

will we meet again? sure, fantastic is fantastic alike, as i'd like to say (or so).


sponsored by manpower

last wednesday, our department at manpower invited us for dinner and a boatride along the archipelago in stockholm. we got to chose between schrimps or tacos and along with beer or wine. there was live music on the boat and... well, you can see for yourself. :)

i can stand not having sex if i can...

see this movie instead... *drewl*


saturday nite out

my cousin hugrún and her friend berglind were here over the weekend and we went out on saturday. this is part of our nite out in stockholm (click on the picture).


just wanted to say... i hate my fucking job!!!

yesterday @ norra brunn

yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
i drank all the beer my belly could sway, oh
i believe in yesterday
suddenly, the crowd broke out in laughter counting on three
there was a joke hanging over me, oh
yesterday, was playfully
how they can make those jokes, i don't know, they wouldn't say
i sence it was the passing bong but who am i anyway
yesterday, comedians had a crowd that was drunk and gay
now i'm at my fucking job and i wish it away, oh
yesterday, come back and play



well, i met up with this guy yesterday. no coffee, but some juice and a very nice toast. he had a sandwich named dragon, while i had a prince, haha! we ate and talked for about an hour and it was really nice. so nice, i didn't really want to spoil the good atmosphere with my ammends. so we parted, him saying that we could meet again next week.
sooner or later i have to tell him how sorry i am. i'm determined to make it sooner. but apparently i don't know how soon that is.



going to have a cop'a'coffee with this guy that i met in december. to apologize for my stupidity and bad, bad, bad behaviour some time ago.
we haven't really spoken since then and i've been kicking myself in the butt for it ever since. well, last week, i stopped kicking my butt and gave him a call. he sounded happy to hear from me. but we'll see. it's less than an hour left before impact. and i gotta tell ya. i'm nervous as hell!



psycho bitch from hell

omg!!! just had a crazy lady in my ear and oh my god(!!!) was she a drag. or, i wish she was one, at least her comments had been witty and gay (name the musical).
so, i work in a customer service for a phonecompany, with certain duties. and this lady was way off our business of expertise. so i tried to help her to the right customer service. but this lady wasn't even going to ask for that. she wanted to know what had happened to her phone. 20 minutes, i sat with her, trying to make her understand that our department did not handle that type of problems. 20 minutes!!! some might say, that it's not much, but add the fact that an average call lasts for about 3 minutes, then it's one hell of a call! not to mention that i didn't have a saying in there, except for a total of 1½ minutes. not kidding!
in the end, my colleagues had gathered round me (for support?) and she was directed to our customer service manager... that told her the same thing i did.


rena barn, rent dagis

mångkultur är fel anser nationaldemokrater och vill starta etniskt rena dagis. i både uppsala och södertälje. partiets ledare marc abramsson säger
det skulle vara väldigt fint att ge dem en bra start, en svensk start. men också där man skulle dra ner på genuspedagogiken och andra konstiga idéer som man försöker indoktrinera barnen med
även partiets partisekreterare vávra suk talar om detta
på vanliga dagis har man barn från alla kulturer och det tycker vi är fel. det går emot allting man gjort tidigare i historien, det naturliga är att uppfostra barn i en nationell anda
själv är vávra suk från tjeckien och vidare berättar hon om det:
det är inte samma kultur, men de är kompatibla, vi har samma bakgrund med kristendom och allt vad det innebär. vi bryr oss om alla kulturer, speciellt de västerländska. jag arbetar för ett samförstånd mellan de europeiska kulturerna.
väldigt underligt tycker jag att vissa kulturer ska kunna komma till samförstånd, men inte andra. vart drar man gränsen? har nd, sd och andra rasförrädare (människorasen är ändå bara en) missat att våra kristna värderingar och religion kommer från mellanöstern? och att allah och gud är en och samma? för inte verkar det som att de tillhör en kultur som kan ansöka om samförstånd.
när jag var liten gick jag på ett dagis som hade 2 avdelningar, en svensk och en spansk. och jag skulle aldrig byta ut mitt dagis mot nåt annat. vi hade jätteroligt, trots andra kulturer. visst ja, spanjorer är också västerlänningar. men de barn som var från latinamerika eller andra spansktalande delar av världen? storbrittanien är västerländskt. inkluderar det indien och hong kong?


vad är ditt fultal?

ja, vad är ditt fultal?

utan att avslöja för mycket är jag i klass med bill "i did not have oral sex with that woman" clinton (hade jag sagt det hade det åtminstone varit sant).


sd behåller färgerna trots allt

i dagens metro står det på sidan 2 om de programförslag som ska tas upp i årskongressen.
förslagen som räknas upp är följande:
  • tio år för medborgarskap - man ska alltså ha bott i sverige i tio år för att få ansöka om svenskt medborgarskap.
  • permanent uppehållstillstånd bör avskaffas
  • asylsökande som begår brott ska utvisas direkt
  • den som gömmer illegala flyktingar ska dömas till fängelse
  • skollov ska endast gälla för traditionellt svenska och kristna högtider samt att svenska kyrkan får vara enda samfund som får verka i skolan
  • religiösa byggnader med "en för svensk byggnadstradition främmande arkitektur" ska inte få byggas
  • avgift motsvarande ett basbelopp för att få hit sin make/sambo, samt att man kan uppvisa att man har lämplig bostad och tar försörjningsansvar

nyckelordet för sd är här assimilering och vidare i artikeln berättar matti karlsson, partistyrelsemedlemmen för sd, att för att underlätta denna assimilering ska invandringen från "kulturellt avlägsna länder" starkt begränsas, vilket han menar vara främst från den muslimska världen, enligt artikeln i metro.

vidare berättar svd:

[partistyrelsen] medger att partiet saknar politiska program för tunga områden som sjukvård, miljöpolitik och utrikespolitik. handlingarna som nu skickats ut till riksårsmötets 180 ombud och 50 suppleanter innehåller bara två politikområden.

tyngst är det invandrarpolitiska programmet, på lite drygt sex sidor. där vill sd bland annat ha skarpa krav för medborgarskap, mindre invandring från "kulturellt avlägsna länder".

handlingsplanen för äldreomsorgen är på lite drygt tre sidor. där talar sd för nationella kvalitetskrav, mer forskning och utbildning, kommunala äldreskyddsombud, medicinsk kompetens, kostfrågor, valfrihet, rätt till boende och social samvaro, stöd till anhöriga, avlastning samt uppsökande och flexibel vård i både offentlig och privat regi.

sd har länge jobbat på att ta bort stämpeln som främlingsfientligt parti. men förslagen visar ju svart på vitt vad som är deras politik. och att deras politik går ut på att skilja människor åt.

när man grundade usa hade man en tanke att alla var jämlika. men slaveriet gav landet en hycklande eftersmak och det var inte förrän lincoln blev president som denna tanke ställdes på sin spets. det är inte för inte som jag känner samma hycklande eftersmak när ett parti som sd säger sig icke vara främlingsfientligt, men uppvisar samma attityd till religionsfriheten, en av de fyra grundlagarna, som förenta staternas 1700-tal visade "all men are equal".

cool design

pretty cool what industrial designers can accomplish.


vacation - a festivity

just booked traintickets to gothenburg in august. for the festival. and also for meeting up with thóra in gothenburg. anna, one of her best friends is getting married (mozel tov, honey!). gotta tell ya, i'm so excited! =)


pandora closes it's box

got this in my mail recently:

Today we have some extremely disappointing news to share with you. Due to international licensing constraints, we are deeply, deeply sorry to say that we must begin proactively preventing access to Pandora's streaming service for most countries outside of the U.S /.../

Delivery of Pandora is based on proper licensing from the people who created the music - we have always believed in honoring the guidelines as determined by legislators and regulators, artists and songwriters, and the labels and publishers they work with. In the U.S. there is a federal statute that provides this license for all the music streamed on Pandora. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent license outside the U.S. and there is no global licensing organization to enable us to legitimately offer Pandora around the world. Other than in the U.K., we have not yet been able to make significant progress in our efforts to obtain a sufficient number of international licenses at terms that would enable us to run a viable business. The volume of listening on Pandora makes it a very expensive service to run. Streaming costs are very high, and since our inception, we have been making publishing and performance royalty payments for every song we play.

Until now, we have not been able to tell where a listener is based, relying only on zip code information provided upon registration. We are now able to recognize a listener's country of origin based on the IP address from which they are accessing the service. Consequently, on May 3rd, we will begin blocking access to Pandora to listeners from your country. We are very sad to have to do this, but there is no other alternative.

for those of you that don't know what pandora is, it's a webpage that gives you personalized internet radio stations. you type in a song or an artist and pandora creates a station playing the kind of music similar to the music you typed in. ingenious is a word i come to think of.

for the past few weeks, internet radio stations have been protesting against higher royalties.

On March 2, 2007 the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB), which oversees sound recording royalties paid by Internet radio services, increased Internet radio's royalty burden between 300 and 1200 percent and thereby jeopardized the industry’s future.

At the request of the Recording Industry Association of America, the CRB ignored the fact that Internet radio royalties were already double what satellite radio pays, and multiplied the royalties even further.

this. this shit here, makes me mad! i use pandora all the time! i use it to find new inspriation. most of my newfound musical loves have been spotted on pandora. and it's apparent to me who's to blame here. and it's not pandora!

smalltalk with the boss

my boss came over today to my workplace. we had a small chat about my future and expectations with manpower and such. the place i'm working @ now is somewhere closer to 'barely tolerant' on a scale from good to excruciating. yeah, yeah, nice people and all that, but let's face it. when you're stuck with a job description fitting a blind monkey, with his hands tied behind his back, it's not a feast for the intellect to going to work, exactly. but my boss is good, we're on the same page. then we smalltalked a bit. not everyday one smalltalks to the boss. we both talked about going to the george micheal concert held on june 29th.

ps. i just bought a ticket to the "way out west" festival on august 10-11! woohoo! ds.