living the singles
oh, and yeah, haven't told you about the date i had! so, the date... it went okey. he was sweet, but quiet. and seemed pretty nervous. it took him 3 beers before he dared have a full conversation. we've met again, but there won't be anything serious going on. not that i'm ready for that anyway.
i am on myspace. it's definitely not new, but i find it so smart, that i have to write about it. on myspace, i can, besides old and new friends, also find a lot of music artists, both famous and unknown. it's a smart way for artists to market themselves. on their homepage you can listen and download some well chosen singles. i actually found a swedish band in there that has really nice songs with fucked up funny lyrics.
Posted by g-spot at 21:31 Labels: dating, music 3 comments
dazed and freaked out
Posted by g-spot at 16:46 Labels: dating 3 comments
yesterday's nice meal
and i want to share it with you. it's not that hard to make:
3-4 tomatoes
½ leek
3 carrots
½ cauliflower
spinnage leafs
3 hoki fillets
sour cream with french herbs
i started by putting the oven on 200°C. then i sliced the tomatoes and chopped the rest of the vegetables in semi-small pieces. i made a bed of the sliced tomatoes, spread the leek and the carrots. on top of that, i put the fillets and spread the spinnage on the fish. topped it of by pouring/putting/smearing the sour cream so it covered the fish and adding the cauliflower on the sides. in the oven for around 40 minutes (or until the fish was done, actually). i served it with rice, which was delicious.
easy, breezy and most of all... yummie!
and here's a tip of what to listen to while cooking:
Posted by g-spot at 23:30 Labels: food, music, recipe 3 comments
Flirting with the future
last but not least, you all know that me and g-spotted ended our relationship. so, i'm single2mingle, as i say. and i've found myself a date! a cute and intelligent guy, a chemistry technician at KTH who seems really nice. now, i've only talked to him on the net, so i don't know really how he is, but from what i've seen and read, he seems like a pretty good guy. i'll give you guys an update on how the dating goes, but cross your fingers for me. ;)
Posted by g-spot at 20:29 Labels: dating, ordinary life, renovating, work 3 comments
adopting the dreamkid
it's time to get kids.
Posted by g-spot at 19:41 Labels: dreams, kids 2 comments
my apartment echoes
well, i still have a kitchen, but i've packed everything belonging in the kitchen. and the bathroom. on monday the workers will start tearing the rooms apart. if you can call it rooms, it's more like small spaces. i've seen closets bigger than my kitchen. but it's my kitchen and i love it.
see, the pipes in the house of where i'm currently staying is in need of an exchange program. we get fresh new pipes visiting our house and the old ones takes a field trip to the junk yard. so this weekend is spent on packing and cleaning. today i have, with the help of two lovely smurfs, washed all of my clothes and packed both the kitchen and the bathroom. and some of the living room. my apartment echoes.
tomorrow is cleaning and moving my stuff to the lovely smurfs, whom i'll be staying with for the time being. and when i'm back, i'll have a whole new apartment (almost)! =)
so my biggest problem right now is which tile i should have... and it's a tricky one!
Posted by g-spot at 01:04 Labels: ordinary life, renovating 0 comments
devils and angels
bh, and in sweden, the dominating news of this week: the ministers that didn't pay for their tv-license! ta-ta-ta-ta!
news I like: the winner of this year's nobel peace award is a man who started a bank with the idea of financially helping the poor. awesome!
Posted by g-spot at 18:50 Labels: news, politics 2 comments
alla som läst svd igår vet att telefonlistor raderats av regeringen. svd berättar att regeringen har en policy om att all telefontrafik ska sparas i ett år. so får, so good. men det kruxiga är att i juli 2005, dvs strax ett halvår efter tsunamin, bestämmer 'nån chef' på regeringskansliet att telefontrafiken 'bara' ska sparas i ett halvår.
björn nordqvist, som verkar ta på sig ansvaret för raderingen konstaterar att det inte hade något med tsunamin eller lars danielsson att göra, utan att
det var en tid då det var lugnt och man kunde ta tag i frågorna
Posted by g-spot at 10:39 Labels: politics, svenska 3 comments
g-spotted no more
just need to say that g-spot's become a single mingle-person again. g-spotted and i decided that distance and different goals in life were obstacles that made our relationships hard to handle. to hard. the feeling is mixed about the break up. it's hard at times, knowing that 2½ years just got monkey wrenched and that my love is no longer my lover. but it also feels good when it comes to our differences and how this relationship was treated. it is better to give up something with nice memories than surrendering during war.
Posted by g-spot at 10:20 Labels: relationships 5 comments
so at work, i moaned over my aches and got the advice to take a yoga lesson. happy goodlycky me, my gym had a yoga lesson today, so after work, i went to the gym. and had yoga.
and never would i dream of getting sweaty out of yoga. not so much, but that i'd break sweat for posing as a teapot?!? no..! still, it was nice.
i'm not sure if i'm going again, but i wouldn't be surprised. best of all though, is that i'm starting with my excercising again. so that i can loose all that extra weight i gained on the icy island with the incredibly tasty and delicious food. mmm... that people on iceland aren't fatter than any other nation in europe is a mystery to me. cause if i lived on iceland... i'd look like cartman after a week's consumtion of beefcake 4000.
Posted by g-spot at 21:14 Labels: ordinary life, training 1 comments
a new beginning
Posted by g-spot at 12:09 Labels: ordinary life 2 comments