yesterday's nice meal
after having a slow day at work, i went home half an hour earlier. and dreamt of a nice meal. a nice dinner. but what was to become friday's nice meal? i gotta say, i was kinda surprised myself! but the nice meal was a nice meal. =)
and i want to share it with you. it's not that hard to make:
3-4 tomatoes
½ leek
3 carrots
½ cauliflower
spinnage leafs
3 hoki fillets
sour cream with french herbs
i started by putting the oven on 200°C. then i sliced the tomatoes and chopped the rest of the vegetables in semi-small pieces. i made a bed of the sliced tomatoes, spread the leek and the carrots. on top of that, i put the fillets and spread the spinnage on the fish. topped it of by pouring/putting/smearing the sour cream so it covered the fish and adding the cauliflower on the sides. in the oven for around 40 minutes (or until the fish was done, actually). i served it with rice, which was delicious.
easy, breezy and most of all... yummie!
and here's a tip of what to listen to while cooking:
and i want to share it with you. it's not that hard to make:
3-4 tomatoes
½ leek
3 carrots
½ cauliflower
spinnage leafs
3 hoki fillets
sour cream with french herbs
i started by putting the oven on 200°C. then i sliced the tomatoes and chopped the rest of the vegetables in semi-small pieces. i made a bed of the sliced tomatoes, spread the leek and the carrots. on top of that, i put the fillets and spread the spinnage on the fish. topped it of by pouring/putting/smearing the sour cream so it covered the fish and adding the cauliflower on the sides. in the oven for around 40 minutes (or until the fish was done, actually). i served it with rice, which was delicious.
easy, breezy and most of all... yummie!
and here's a tip of what to listen to while cooking:
Ég er greinilega ekki nógu klár í ensku :-( Hvernig er þessi uppskrift á hinni ástkæru ylhýru íslensku tungu?
Tómata, púrjólaukur, gulraetur, fisk (ég tók einhvern fisk sem heitir húkí-fiskur, enn thad má taka ýsu eda thorsk ístadinn), spinnat, blómkál og sýrdur rjómi med franskt krydd (creme fraiche). Skerum graenmetin i litlum bita (ekki hakkad, heldur skorid), nema tómatarnar, sem á ad skerast í skífur.
Leggdu tómatarnar í form. Svo gulraeturnar og púrjólaukinn. Legdu fiskinn yfir allt saman, med spinnat ofaná. Blómkálinn í horninn og sýrdur rjóminn ofan á allt samann (verdur ad vera yfir fiskinn). Inn í ofn í taepa 40 mínótur eda til fiskinn er tilbúin. Ég fékk mér hrís med, but what floats your boat... ;)
hljómar vel. Takk elskan :-)
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