i had a nice, but weird dream last night. i was living neighbours with my dear friend sassy s., who in the dream lived with her girlfriend in a house (as instead of an apartment, like she did when we were neighbours for real). all of a sudden she was pregnant and a second later, she had a son. an adorable little son, not unlike my cousin e:s adorable little son, bjarkir steinarr. a happy, nappy little kid. and then they got another kid. and vanished. with their new happy, nappy daughter. and left their son. i found him in the house, happy as ever and took care of him. and he became my own. right before i woke up, i was about to adopt him.
it's time to get kids.
Babysjuk? ;-)
Það er draumur út af fyrir sig að njóta þeirra forréttinda að eiga yndisleg börn,
og þinn draumur mun nú rætast síðar um að eignast eigið barn,
en eitt er víst, þú átt eftir að vera yndislegur pabbi, það er ekki spurning
kv. Erla (sem á krúttið á myndinni ;-)
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