Flirting with the future

my boss came over today to our workplace and we had a small chat. i didn't get my salary yesterday, but we quickly resolved that issue. to bad, the department that pays out the salary can't be as quick. but i'll get my money by tuesday at the latest. but that's not what our chat was about. it was more about my future at the company and my potentials. and there was little need of convincing her that i had potential, she made it clear that she was aware that the assignment i'm on right now isn't challenging enough. and we were on the same level that i needed to advance within the firm to stay challenged. maybe work as a teamleader. or at least something with greater responsability. so who knows where i might end after this assignment? but i justed stepped up on the ladder a bit. and that's happy.
last but not least, you all know that me and g-spotted ended our relationship. so, i'm single2mingle, as i say. and i've found myself a date! a cute and intelligent guy, a chemistry technician at KTH who seems really nice. now, i've only talked to him on the net, so i don't know really how he is, but from what i've seen and read, he seems like a pretty good guy. i'll give you guys an update on how the dating goes, but cross your fingers for me. ;)
last but not least, you all know that me and g-spotted ended our relationship. so, i'm single2mingle, as i say. and i've found myself a date! a cute and intelligent guy, a chemistry technician at KTH who seems really nice. now, i've only talked to him on the net, so i don't know really how he is, but from what i've seen and read, he seems like a pretty good guy. i'll give you guys an update on how the dating goes, but cross your fingers for me. ;)
Jag håller ALLA mina tummar! *Kram*
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Frábært að heyra með vinnuna Gústi...... þú ert bara sannur snillingur ;-)
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