

after last nights movie, some of us went for a beer. we ended up at "la habana", a cuban bar/night club on sveavägen. just one beer we said. yeah, right! so much for that. even had myself a mojito, mind you. two of the five in our crowd left for some other excitement in another part of town, but the three of us left, stayed some more. later during the evening, the room got really hot. latino music was steaming from the speakers, and people were dancing salsa all over the place (except the tables, then)! some were beginners, some advanced and some just danced something. one of the few places where the atmosphere was genuinely soft, nice and passionate. just the way you want, for a night out.

continued later on to tiki room at s:t eriksplan and met up with andreas and his new gf. it never seizes to amaze me how people love it when you're grose. i mean, i've never met his new dame and i got invited even though i was talking about nasty stuff (not going into any details) i'm sure most people don't want to hear nor discuss. but hey, i got myself an invitation to a bbq-party at her place later this summer. the more gross, the better, i guess. maybe i'll come, smeared in potato sallad...

pics from last night can be seen here.

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