
checking for a new job @ work

i'm trying a new approach at work right now. i'm writing a cv so that i can send job applications. during work. cause i'm done with this job now.
and i'm done reading the paper at work. and watching cartoons. and playing games. and surfing the internet and checking my mail three times a day (except, we're prohibited to enter community sites, so no surfing on them).
so now, i'm hunting for a new job. and i've found a few. my only hesitation to applying is if it actually came through and i was offered a job. it would be great, but since i've been working for so long at manpower, i've become comfortable with the life of a consultant. and my catch 22 - my boss told me right after i started this (dreadful) assignment that, when summer would end and new assignment would come in, she would be on the lookout for a new, better and more challenging assignment for me.
and so i've been checking for new jobs or assignments, but not quite daring to send in the application. well, no more! i'm gonna search for a new job and if anyone disagrees... well, tuff luck!

and about this assignment? well, it's the first assignment, where i've felt that my iq has dropped. where i'm not as social as usually. and the first assignment i've come to hate. really, from the bottom of my heart. i hate it. i hate it so much, i've become one of those bitter, whining bitches at work that's telling everyone how bad that place is. and i loathe people who whine about their work! so, i can't stay.


Anonymous said...

Gústi minn. Viltu gera það fyrir mig að sækja um allt sem þér líst vel á? Þú getur alltaf afþakkað djobbin og hvers vegna að hanga á stað þar sem að þú færð kannski að gera eitthvað skemmtilegt í haust? Svo ertu líka alltaf velkominn til Íslands ;)


g-spot said...

Ég veit, skil eiginlega ekki hvad ég hefur verid ad paela í! Enn ég er ad gera flottan cv og aetlar svo ad senda thad thar sem ég finn flotta og skemtilega vinnu. =)

Anonymous said...

Gangi þér vel :-*
